Teaching and Education
Sustainable excellence in research is only possible if the next generation of highly qualified scientists is trained to an excellent level. Therefore, teaching and education in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are central aspects of our mission at the Lamarr Institute. With our activities, we promote interest in scientific topics related to AI and computer science – starting with school education, through university and vocational education and training, to the support of young scientists.
Researchers at the Lamarr Institute are actively involved in education – whether at schools, universities, research institutions or as part of collaborative projects. Our scientists also regularly give lectures and take part in events on educational topics. Find out the latest here.
Preparing for a Scientific Career
To enable young researchers to realize their full potential, we at the Lamarr Institute are committed to providing comprehensive support for early career researchers. In addition to opportunities for scientific discourse and support services for networking with national and international players in science, this also includes subject-specific offers for personal development.
In preparation for an academic career, the Lamarr Institute offers the opportunity to lead a group of scientists. These research and innovation groups deal with current AI research topics such as the understanding and processing of natural language, the implementation of AI applications on quantum computers, the planning and control of logistics processes and the trustworthiness and certification of AI.
Young researchers at the Lamarr Institute also have the opportunity to gain leadership experience as a Scientific Coordinator. The Scientific Coordinators work in close coordination with the Area Chairs of the respective research area. They promote scientific exchange within and outside the Lamarr Institute, are involved in the organization of scientific lectures and events and serve as contact persons for doctoral students.
The Lamarr Institute’s partner universities also promote the start of an academic career with the appointment of junior professorships. These tenure-track W1/W3 positions offer talented young researchers a springboard for their academic future.

Promoting Talent and International Networking
The team of researchers at the Lamarr Institute is characterized by its internationality and diversity. The researchers work in interdisciplinary teams and actively contribute to national and international scientific exchange through their participation in top-class conferences and events as well as through research stays in Germany and abroad.
Regardless of whether our young talents are pursuing a career in science or industry, we create an environment that enables them to develop professionally and personally and encourages them to take on responsibility at an early stage.
Young scientists are supported in their professional and scientific development by our Principal Investigators, i.e. professors who are part of the Lamarr Institute, and the Scientific Coordinators. Researchers who have completed their PhD are encouraged to apply for their own research projects. This helps them to gain experience in independent scientific work and the planning, implementation and administration of research projects.
The Lamarr Institute offers a range of established lecture and event formats that promote exchange between the Institute’s research groups. Regular seminars give scientists the opportunity to present and discuss their current work with other Lamarr Institute researchers. There are also regular lectures by guests from the Lamarr Institute’s scientific network.
Together with partners from science, business and industry, young researchers have the opportunity to take part in hackathons and scientific code slams and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects. The scientists gain insights into problems of social or economic interest and can test new, practical solutions.

Getting Young People Excited about AI and Computer Science
Members of the Lamarr Institute are actively involved in the AI4Schools project and the initiative “Roberta® – Learning with Robots“. The aim of these initiatives is to get pupils interested in AI and computer science and to promote the competent use of digital media. Together with partners, the Lamarr Institute also offers AI theme days that allow students to take part in workshops and discussions and gain programming experience. Students and teachers can learn about the technical foundations of AI systems and find out what career opportunities the future topics of AI and ML offer.
Through its partner organizations, the Lamarr Institute also participates in introductory programs such as taster universities, which give pupils an insight into life and learning at universities. The focus here is particularly on the STEM subjects, i.e. mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. Another focus is on promoting the interest of girls and women in scientific and technical subjects and fields of work. For example, Girls Days and other hands-on activities encourage girls and young women to discover their talents and explore future prospects in the fields of AI and computer science.

Blog on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
The ML blog of the Lamarr Institute presents current developments and trends on the topics of AI and ML. With the ML blog, the Lamarr Institute makes a contribution to informing the public – scientifically sound and easily accessible. In the Basics section, we provide interested readers with a comprehensible introduction to the topic of Artificial Intelligence. In the AI Education series, we provide information about educational programs on AI in schools.