The Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
The Lamarr Institute focuses on the research and development of high-performance, trustworthy, and resource-efficient applications of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our goal is to establish internationally competitive research that sustainably strengthens Germany and Europe as leading locations for research, education, and technology transfer in AI.
After a successful evaluation by an international panel of experts, the Lamarr Institute was created from the Competence Center Machine Learning Rhine-Ruhr (ML2R), previously funded as a project for a limited period of time. The Lamarr Institute is now established with permanent institutional funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Benefits for Society and Economy
Top-level research on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence develops a radiance from which the region and the whole of Germany benefit: Well-trained experts attract companies that drive technology transfer and develop new products and services from scientific findings.
The Lamarr Institute directly addresses the pressing issues of the economy, such as the digital transformation of industrial production and the need for innovation in environmental and climate protection or medicine. Conversely, proximity to practice also strengthens science by enabling it to work with real data.
Ethical AI: Commitment to European Values
The commitment to ethical AI, orientation towards European values and standards forms a common basis for the scientific work at the Lamarr Institute. Thus, the permanent funding of the Lamarr Institute means another important step towards a European AI that is trustworthy, used responsibly and secures the technological sovereignty of the European economy.
The Lamarr Institute is constituted by pioneering research institutions in Germany, TU Dortmund University, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn and the Fraunhofer Institutes for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS in Sankt Augustin and for Material Flow and Logistics IML in Dortmund.