Predicting Machining Stability with a Quantum Regression Model

In this article, we propose a novel quantum regression model by extending the Real-Part Quantum SVM. We apply our model to the problem of stability limit prediction in milling processes, a key component in high-precision manufacturing. To train our model, we use a custom data set acquired by an extensive series of milling experiments using different spindle speeds, enhanced with a custom feature map. We show that the resulting model predicts the stability limits observed in our physical setup accurately, demonstrating that quantum computing is capable of deploying ML models for real-world applications.

  • Published in:
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  • Authors:
    Mücke, Sascha; Finkeldey, Felix; Piatkowski, Nico; Siebrecht, Tobias; Wiederkehr, Petra
  • Year:
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Citation information

Mücke, Sascha; Finkeldey, Felix; Piatkowski, Nico; Siebrecht, Tobias; Wiederkehr, Petra: Predicting Machining Stability with a Quantum Regression Model, arXiv, 2024,, Muecke.etal.2024a,

Associated Lamarr Researchers

Portrait of Sascha Mücke.

Sascha Mücke

Author to the profile
LAMARR Person Finkeldey - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Dr. Felix Finkeldey

Scientific Coordinator Industry & Production to the profile
Photo. Portrait of Nico Piatkowski

Dr. Nico Piatkowski

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lamarr institute person Wiederkehr Petra - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Prof. Dr. Petra Wiederkehr

Area Chair Industry & Production to the profile