lamarr institute person Michaelis Stefan e1663924756156 - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Stefan Michaelis

Managing Director

Stefan Michaelis is managing Director of the Lamarr Institute for the Dortmund location. He manages the operative business together with the representatives of the other locations. He supports the scientists in their tasks and coordinates cooperations internally as well as with project management agencies, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and cooperation partners from the private sector.

Prior to this, he was Managing Director of the Competence Center Machine Learning Rhine-Ruhr (ML2R), starting in 2018. He also was Managing Director of the Collaborative Research Center 876 “Providing Information by Resource-Constrained Data Analysis” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2011. The Collaborative Research Center investigates possibilities of Intelligent Data Analysis under consideration of available resources: from small cyber-physical systems to mainframe computers for the analysis of large amounts of data. The goal is to extract information from ever larger amounts of data – in a timely manner, without large energy requirements and directly on site. Stefan Michaelis was also involved in the successful application for both the second and third funding phases until 2022.

After studying engineering informatics, Stefan Michaelis received his doctorate in Electrical Engineering with applications in Machine Learning for quality improvement in mobile communications. In his doctoral thesis, he investigated how predictions of expected movements of mobile phone users – independent of the profiles of specific users – allow for an outlook on the future utilization of mobile phone cells.