Christian Bauckhage has 20+ years of research experience in industry and academia. He is the co-inventor of 4 patents and has (co-)authored 200+ publications on pattern recognition, data mining, and intelligent systems, several of which received best paper awards. He studied computer science and physics in Bielefeld, was a research intern at INRIA Grenoble, and received his PhD in computer science from Bielefeld University in 2002.
He then joined the Centre for Vision Research at York University in Toronto and worked as a Senior Scientist at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories in Berlin, before being appointed in Bonn in 2008. He regularly serves as a reviewer or area chair for conferences such as ECML PKDD, ICANN, ICLR, ICML, IJCAI, NeurIPS and is an associate editor of the journals Pattern Recognition and IEEE Trans. on Games. Christian’s current research focuses on theory and practice of hybrid learning systems and on quantum computing for AI and ML.