Katharina Peters
EditorKatharina Peters, M.A. is a science communication consultant at the Lamarr Institute. With her background in cultural studies, she adds her interdisciplinary perspective to the public relations team.
As an editor in the blog team, she critically examines the texts of the scientists – with the goal of making their important and interesting research results accessible to the ML community, but above all to the general public. Because she believes that only those who understand the technology behind the latest AI solutions can ultimately make informed and responsible decisions when dealing with them. She also pursues the goal of communicating complex topics on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in an understandable and illustratable way when managing the Lamarr Institute’s social media channels.
With a particular interest in ethical aspects and the field of sustainability/resource awareness, she is keen to promote responsible research and exchange in this area. As a contact person for the DAAD, she also drives international networking and collaboration.
After studying applied cultural sciences with a focus on media studies, Katharina Peters worked at the Duisburger Institut für Sprach- und Sozialfoschung, among other places, where she was responsible for editing several publications as well as an extensive discourse analysis commissioned by the German government. She has also given numerous lectures and workshops on anti-racist media coverage and was awarded the Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies („Förderpreis“) for her thesis.