Science Festival 2024 at the University of Bonn

The University of Bonn, a partner organization of the Lamarr Institute, will open its doors to all students, university members, and interested individuals on July 7th from 12 PM to 6 PM for the Science Festival 2024. At the Hofgarten Lawn, the university will offer many interactive activities for the whole family at various booths, showcasing its Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRA), Excellence Clusters, and other research areas. This includes the Lamarr Institute! You can find us at Booth 16, “Mathematical Models, AI, and Virtual Applications,” together with the TRA Mathematics, Modeling, and Simulation of Complex Systems, and the Excellence Cluster Hausdorff Center for Mathematics.



7. July 2024

12:00 - 18:00


Hofgarten Lawn


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© Universität Bonn

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