Schnupper-Uni 2024: “Perspectives in STEM!”

On February 6th, the 24th edition of the “Schnupper-Uni” entitled “Perspective Math.-Nat!” will take place at the University of Bonn, partner institution from the Lamarr Institute. All female students from grades 10 to 13 are invited to explore different STEM programs — such as Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Geodesy and Geoinformation, Computer Science, Mathematics, Meteorology, Geography— and learn about their research in a full-day program organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The event, which will occur from around 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM, includes a welcome talk by the Central Academic Advising and multiple workshops. Online registrations are open until January 21, 2024, and early sign-up is encouraged due to high demand from the previous year.



6. February 2024


Kreuzbergweg 28, Bonn



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