Open Source Innovation Days

On June 5th and 6th, Marius Brehler, Senior Scientist at Lamarr’s partner institution Fraunhofer IML, and open source developer, will give a talk on the Cyber Resilience Act (2024 new EU regulation) at the Open Source Innovation Days. This summit is organized by the Open Logistics Foundation for its member companies. All employees of the member companies of the Open Logistics Foundation are invited to come to the “Spielfeld Digital Hub” in Berlin and learn more about how this new EU regulation affects the work of the Open Logistics Foundation, its members, other software companies, and how companies can prepare for it.



5. - 6. June 2024

9:30 - 13:00


Spielfeld Digital Hub, Berlin


Lamarr Events Conference - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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