KI-Werkstatt 2024: Research – Regulation – Working World

On November 26th, 2024, from 09:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Raphael Fischer, scientist at the Lamarr Institute, will be a speaker in the first edition of the new KI-Werkstatt series, titled “Research – Regulation – Working World” (Forschung  – Regulation  –  Arbeitswelt). This event is brought to you by a collaboration between the BAuA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), the TU Dortmund University, and the Lamarr Institute and it has as its goal to explore the intersection of AI research, regulation, and its impact on the working world.

How can work with AI be made trustworthy for developers, users, and affected individuals? The KI-Werkstatt will address current developments in AI research with relevance to the workplace, focusing on topics such as trustworthy AI systems and their integration into human-centric work environments. Ethical and legal challenges, including the European AI regulation (including the new EU AI Act), will also be discussed.

Key speakers include Prof. Dr. Daniel Neider, Prof. Dr. Ivan Habernal, M.Sc. Inf. Raphael Fischer, Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, Prof. Dr. Anne Paschke, and Dipl.-Pol. Daniel Leisegang.

Here you find the complete program (in German):

The number of participants is limited. To participate send an e-mail to fb***@ba**.de.



26. November 2024

9:00 - 15:30


Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), Lecture hall, Building I - Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25, 44149 Dortmund


Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence , Business, Education, Politics & Society, Science
Lamarr Events Fair - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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