AI4School teachers training at the Werther Brücke school

On July 1st, an AI4Teachers event will take place at the Berufskolleg Werther Brücke (BKWB) in Wuppertal, organized by the teachers of the BKWB together with the AI4Schools initiative in cooperation with the Lamarr Institute.

The teacher training will host break-out sessions encopassing the following themes:

  1. AI Ethics and Trustworthy AI: Teachers will discuss ethical challenges like discrimination, data privacy, and transparency in AI, aiming to develop guidelines for fair and responsible AI use.
  2. Programming Neural Networks: Teachers will learn about the development and mathematical foundations of neural networks and practice programming AI applications.
  3. Tools for the Classroom:
    • Adaptive Learning Systems: Using AI to support individualized student learning.
    • Generative AI in the Classroom: Utilizing AI to create interactive and adaptive teaching content with students.
    • Generative AI for Lesson Planning: Employing AI tools to facilitate the preparation and planning of lessons.
    • Explaining AI: Tools to help students understand AI’s functioning and importance.
  4. Lesson Evaluation

The results of the workshops will be presented to all participants, followed by discussions and networking.

About AI4Schools

AI4Schools works closely with schools to promote AI education. In the project, the training team of the Fraunhofer Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance and experts of the Roberta initiative of the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS combine their training and education experience in the field of programming, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. As a cooperation partner in the project, the Lamarr Institute is involved in the implementation of the workshops AI4Students for pupils and AI4Teachers for educators.



1. July 2024

9:00 - 18:00


Berufskolleg Werther Brücke (BKWB), Wuppertal


sam balye w1FwDvIreZU unsplash 1 scaled - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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