Towards Retention Analysis in NFT-based Blockchain Games

In this work, we investigate the player behavior of an NFT-based blockchain game from a perspective of attrition with the goal of providing insights as to how players interact with the game over a long period of time and establishing potential avenues for future research in building prediction models. To this end, we analyze the retention behavior over time and profile the players to gain insights about how they interact with the game.

Citation information

Sifa, Rafet; Hadiji, Fabian: Towards Retention Analysis in NFT-based Blockchain Games, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), 2023,, Sifa.Hadiji.2023a,

Associated Lamarr Researchers

Prof. Dr. Rafet Sifa

Prof. Dr. Rafet Sifa

Principal Investigator Hybrid ML to the profile