Impact of Non-Volatile Memory Cells on Spiking Neural Network Annealing Machine With In-Situ Synapse Processing

Solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) is in high demand for various applications. SNN serves as a competitive annealing machine that can solve the CSP more efficiently than well-known Metropolis sampling and Hopfield networks. NVM-based crossbars with analog Integrate and Fire (IF) neurons can evolve the state of SNN to solve CSP more efficiently. However, analog computations inherently suffer from imprecisions in NVM cells, e.g., current variation, OFF-state leakage, and temperature-induced drift. We are the first to analyze the impacts of various memory technologies, including 2T-NOR, FeFET, WOx ReRAM, and HfOx ReRAM, on solving the Ising model, Sudoku, and Traveling-salesman-problem (TSP). The results show that both 2T-NOR Flash and FeFET with normalized standard deviation( $sigma$/u ) < 5% and ON-OFF ratio > 1000 are both ideal candidates as synapse devices at room temperature, while other devices suffer from the effects of current variation and OFF-state leakage, which would require the neuron circuits to have infeasible membrane capacitance size. However, the drift of cell current and the reduction of the ON-OFF ratio drops the success rate as the temperature increases. The success rate of solving TSP drops by 60 % and 90 % while the temperature increases from 300K to 358K for 2T-NOR and FeFET, respectively. Throughout the simulation, we show that the transistor-based memory is suggested to be a synapse device. Yet, we also find that the tolerance of temperature is inevitable under limited capacitance. Exploration of temperature-tolerated design of circuit and memory design is still in demand for future works.

  • Published in:
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
  • Type:
  • Authors:
    Wei, Ming-Liang; Yayla, Mikail; Ho, Shu-Yin; Chen, Jian-Jia; Amrouch, Hussam; Yang, Chia-Lin
  • Year:

Citation information

Wei, Ming-Liang; Yayla, Mikail; Ho, Shu-Yin; Chen, Jian-Jia; Amrouch, Hussam; Yang, Chia-Lin: Impact of Non-Volatile Memory Cells on Spiking Neural Network Annealing Machine With In-Situ Synapse Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023, 70, 1--14,, Wei.etal.2023a,

Associated Lamarr Researchers

lamarr institute person Chen Jian Jia - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Prof. Dr. Jian-Jia Chen

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