Research Which model should I choose? Explainable model selection for time series prediction 06. October 2021 Time series describe the change of a measurement over time. For example, sensor data from a robot or the temperature... read more
Basics I forgot to remember to forget: Forgetting as a new requirement for AI 29. September 2021 Forgetting is a fundamental part of our daily lives. We forget appointments, forget the PIN of our bank card, or... read more
Basics Improving explainable Machine Learning through additional knowledge 21. July 2021 The applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are constantly becoming more diverse. The most prominent applications... read more
Basics What are adversarial examples? 07. July 2021 To be able to use Machine Learning in everyday life, one must develop software capable of implementing the Machine... read more
Research Robust or vulnerable – gaining more insights into neural networks with heat 01. June 2021 When Artificial Intelligences need to make decisions, they can easily fall victim to hostile attacks. How easy it is... read more