Basics Object Detection: How machines recognize objects 31. May 2023 Many everyday scenarios require the simultaneous detection and localization of various objects. As humans, we have an... read more
Basics What are Support Vector Machines and how do they work? 07. March 2023 Support Vector Machines (SVM) are supervised learning methods primarily used for classification problems. Their... read more
Basics Classification in Machine Learning 18. May 2022 This post explains what lies behind the concept of classification, building on previous contributions in the series... read more
Application Priority for safe Machine Learning: On the robustness of neural networks 14. July 2021 Neural networks are highly suitable for image classification and are already widely used today, delivering outstanding... read more
Basics What are the types of Machine Learning? 13. January 2021 After discussing how machines learn in our first post in the "ML Basics" series, in this post in the series we will... read more