Improvements in charged lepton and photon propagation for the software PROPOSAL
Accurate particle simulations are essential for the next generation of experiments in astroparticle physics. The Monte Carlo simulation library PROPOSAL is a flexible tool to efficiently propagate high-energy leptons and photons through large volumes of media, for example in the context of underground observatories. It is written as a C++ library, including a Python interface. In this paper, the most recent updates of PROPOSAL are described, including the addition of electron, positron, and photon propagation, for which new interaction types have been implemented. This allows the usage of PROPOSAL to simulate electromagnetic particle cascades, for example in the context of air shower simulations. The precision of the propagation has been improved by including rare interaction processes, new photonuclear parametrizations, deflections in stochastic interactions, and the possibility of propagating in inhomogeneous density distributions. Additional technical improvements regarding the interpolation routine and the propagation algorithm are described.
- Veröffentlicht in:
Computer Physics Communications - Typ:
Article - Autoren:
Alameddine, Jean-Marco; Albrecht, Johannes; Dembinski, Hans; Gutjahr, Pascal; Kampert, Karl-Heinz; Rhode, Wolfgang; Sackel, Maximilian; Sandrock, Alexander; Soedingrekso, Jan - Jahr:
2024 - Source:
Informationen zur Zitierung
Alameddine, Jean-Marco; Albrecht, Johannes; Dembinski, Hans; Gutjahr, Pascal; Kampert, Karl-Heinz; Rhode, Wolfgang; Sackel, Maximilian; Sandrock, Alexander; Soedingrekso, Jan: Improvements in charged lepton and photon propagation for the software PROPOSAL, Computer Physics Communications, 2024, 302, September,, Alameddine.etal.2024a,
author={Alameddine, Jean-Marco; Albrecht, Johannes; Dembinski, Hans; Gutjahr, Pascal; Kampert, Karl-Heinz; Rhode, Wolfgang; Sackel, Maximilian; Sandrock, Alexander; Soedingrekso, Jan},
title={Improvements in charged lepton and photon propagation for the software PROPOSAL},
journal={Computer Physics Communications},
abstract={Accurate particle simulations are essential for the next generation of experiments in astroparticle physics. The Monte Carlo simulation library PROPOSAL is a flexible tool to efficiently propagate high-energy leptons and photons through large volumes of media, for example in the context of underground observatories. It is written as a C++ library, including a Python interface. In this paper, the...}}