Research Talk von Prof. Dr. Thomas Eiter
Am 21. Juni 2024, von 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, wird Prof. Dr. Thomas Eiter, Leiter des Instituts für Logik und Rechnen sowie der Gruppe für Wissensbasierte Systeme an der TU Wien, einen englischsprachigen Research Talk halten. Prof. Dr. Eiter ist Fellow der ACM, der European AI Association (EurAI) und der Asia-Pacific AI Association (AAIA). Zudem ist er Mitglied der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Academia Europaea in London.
Der Research Talk widmet sich dem Thema „Adaptive Large-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Programming“.
Answer-Set Programming (ASP) is a prominent approach to declarativeproblem solving that is increasingly used to tackle challenging optimisation problems. We present an approach to leverage ASP optimisation by using large-neighbourhood search (LNS), which is a meta-heuristic where parts of a solution are iteratively destroyed and reconstructed in an attempt to improve an overall objective. In our LNS framework, neighbourhoods can be specified either declaratively or automatically generated by code. Furthermore, the framework is self-adaptive, i.e., it also incorporates portfolios for LNS operators along with selection strategies to adjust search parameters on the fly. We address the implementation of the framework, the system ALASPO, and discuss the effectiveness of the adaptive LNS approach for ASP on different optimisation benchmarks, among them problems from planning, scheduling, and configuration. This is joint work of TU Wien and Bosch AI Labs.
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Meeting-ID: 623 1363 5634 | Kenncode: 316950
21. Juni 2024
16:00 - 17:00
Raum 0.016 im Institut für Informatik, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, 53113 Bonn | virtuell