Topic modelling for spatial insights: Uncovering space use from movement data

We present a novel approach to understanding space use by moving entities based on repeated patterns of place visits and transitions. Our approach represents trajectories as text documents consisting of sequences of place visits or transitions and applies topic modelling to the corpus of these documents. The resulting topics represent combinations of places or transitions, respectively, that repeatedly co-occur in trips. Visualisation of the results in the spatial context reveals the regions of place connectivity through movements and the major channels used to traverse the space. This enables understanding of the use of space as a medium for movement. We compare the possibilities provided by topic modelling to alternative approaches exploiting a numeric measure of pairwise connectedness. We have extensively explored the potential of utilising topic modelling by applying our approach to multiple real-world movement data sets with different data collection procedures and varying spatial and temporal properties: GPS road traffic of cars, unconstrained movement on a football pitch, and episodic movement data reflecting social media posting events. The approach successfully demonstrated the ability to uncover meaningful patterns and interesting insights. We thoroughly discuss different aspects of the approach and share the knowledge and experience we have gained with people who might be potentially interested in analysing movement data by means of topic modelling methods.

Informationen zur Zitierung

Andrienko, Gennady; Andrienko, Natalia; Hecker, Dirk: Topic modelling for spatial insights: Uncovering space use from movement data, Computers & Graphics, 2024, 122, 103989, August,, Andrienko.etal.2024b,

Assoziierte Lamarr-ForscherInnen

lamarr institute person Andriyenko Gennadiy pi - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Prof. Dr. Gennady Andrienko

Principal Investigator Menschenzentrierte KI-Systeme zum Profil
lamarr institute person Andriyenko Nathaliya pi - Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Prof. Dr. Natalia Andrienko

Area Chair Menschenzentrierte KI-Systeme zum Profil