Leveraging Contextual Text Representations for Anonymizing German Financial Documents

Despite the high availability of financial and legal documents they are often not utilized by text processing or machine learning systems, even though the need for automated processing and extraction of useful patterns from these documents is increasing. This is partly due to the presence of sensitive entities in these documents, which restrict their usage beyond authorized parties and purposes. To overcome this limitation, we consider the task of anonymization in financial and legal documents using state-of-the-art natural language processing methods. Towards this, we present a web-based application to anonymize financial documents and also a large scale evaluation of different deep learning techniques.

  • Published in:
    AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services at KDF AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services (KDF)
  • Type:
  • Authors:
    D. Biesner, R. Ramamurthy, M. Lübbering, B. Fürst, H. Ismail, L. Hillebrand, A. Ladi, M. Pielka, R. Stenzel, T. Khameneh, V. Krapp, I. Huseynov, J. Schlums, U. Stoll, U. Warning, B. Kliem, C. Bauckhage, R. Sifa
  • Year:

Citation information

D. Biesner, R. Ramamurthy, M. Lübbering, B. Fürst, H. Ismail, L. Hillebrand, A. Ladi, M. Pielka, R. Stenzel, T. Khameneh, V. Krapp, I. Huseynov, J. Schlums, U. Stoll, U. Warning, B. Kliem, C. Bauckhage, R. Sifa: Leveraging Contextual Text Representations for Anonymizing German Financial Documents, AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services (KDF), AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services at KDF, 2020, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347445249_Leveraging_Contextual_Text_Representations_for_Anonymizing_German_Financial_Documents, Biesner.etal.2020,